Whether requesting via email (preferred) or phone, be prepared to provide the information detailed on the last page of the How the Program Works document.
TELEMEDICINE and TELECONSULT – see pages 3 and 4 in the How the Program Works document.
Find health care during your mission
We're pleased to offer you valuable resources for finding health care no matter where you are in the world. Here you will find a directory of all the direct-settlement providers Aetna International has contracted.
Our partner in the Philippines is Maxicare, they update their providers listings regularly for the whole of the Philippines and have them on a fully searchable site. You can access them by going to Maxicare Provider Search.
Mercury Drug Stores
Maxicare has an agreement with certain Mercury Drug Stores to accept the Aetna/Maxicare ID card and process prescriptions without the requirement of payment up front.
Telemedicine and teleconsult
Telemedicine and Teleconsult are two separate programs, and each has different requirements on how to access. Both programs are available to be used when necessary for all Missions in the Philippines.
NOTE: These programs are not intended to replace in-person medical care when it is available and reasonably accessible, especially for certain conditions, diagnoses or needs that require physical examination or specialized testing.
Telemedicine – When there is a need to speak to a specific doctor that is part of the Maxicare Accredited Network of Providers.
Maxicare accredited list of TELEMEDICINE providers
Teleconsult – When there is a need to speak with any available doctor in the local region.
For additional details regarding Telemedicine and Teleconsult as well as detailed instructions regarding how to access wither program, please see pages 3 and 4 of How the Program Works.
Contact Aetna International or our partner in your country
The Aetna International Member Service Center is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 365 days a year. We can assist you with:
Customer Care
To dial toll-free from an international location please use the AT&T access codes listed here:
AT&T International Dialing Guide
Young Missionary
To Coordinate Cashless Visits/Have a Guarantee of Payment (GOP) placed 24/7/365, Contact Maxicare
Email (preferred):
In Manila: 8582 1965
Outside Manila: (632)8582 1965 or (02)8582 1965
Whether requesting via email (preferred) or call, be prepared to provide
the information detailed on the last page of the How the Program Works
document linked above.
TELEMEDICINE and TELECONSULT – see pages 3 and 4 of the
How the Program Works document.