800 000 0277 (Mexico free of charge)
5249 8383 (within Mexico City)
01 (55) 5249 8383 (Outside of Mexico City)
Find health care during your mission
We're pleased to offer you valuable resources for finding health care no matter where you are in the world. Here you will find a directory of all the direct-settlement providers Aetna International has contracted.
Contact Aetna International or our partner in your country
The Aetna International Member Service Center is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 365 days a year. We can assist you with:
Customer Care
To dial toll-free from an international location please use the AT&T access codes listed here:
AT&T International Dialing Guide
Young Missionary
To coordinate cashless visits, call Sinergia Médica:
Contact numbers:
800 000 0277 (Mexico free of charge)
5249 8383 (within Mexico City)
01 (55) 5249 8383 (Outside of Mexico City)
To Contact Aetna Customer Service (status of claims)
Direct or collect: 813-775-0141
Toll free: 855-806-0520