Stay connected

Our Aetna International Facebook and Twitter pages include frequently updated information on our international provider community, answers to frequently-asked questions, news feeds and videos, and health and wellness information and resources provided as an extension of our Aetna Global Health Connections program.
Join the growing number of people who “like” us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter.
Provider Directory Plus applications
Our series of free mobile applications provide contact details and lists of doctors and hospitals who offer direct-settlement services. The users can view provider’s location on interactive maps where distance to nearest provider is calculated using the GPS facility on their smart phones and they can also integrate the user calendar to record medical appointments. The mobile apps contain a lot of helpful information on what to do before or on the day of the appointment.
Applications are available for members in Shanghai, Europe, and the Middle East. In addition, members with Indian Health Organisation network cards have access to their own provider application.
To download, visit the App Store or Android Market from your device and search "Aetna" to find and download our mobile applications.
Secure login
International Service Center (Available 24-hour)
+1 866 410 7359 (Toll Free)
+1 813 775 0244 (Direct/Collect) europeservices@aetna.com