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Understanding changes to our claim submission process

For Providers servicing Aetna International members

    • For Providers servicing Aetna International members

      Earlier this year we shared a communication about changes coming to how Aetna International delivers access to care for members outside of the Americas. We’ve made successful progress thanks to our network and provider partners like you. Now we’re asking for your continued support to smoothly transition claims submissions based on our members’ plan type.

      What you need to know

      Aetna International is here to stay. It’s just our plans originating in Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA) and Asia Pacific (APAC) that are ending on 30 November 2023. You can identify members on these plans by the end date on their member ID card. How you submit claims for only these members is changing on 18 November 2023.

      Until then, you should continue to submit claims to us as you always have. Aetna will process and pay eligible claims submitted on or before 17 November 2023.

      Please note: While the claims submission process is changing for the “Rest of World” ID cards, it will remain the same for the “Americas” and “Americas + Allianz Care” ID cards.

      What the new process looks like

      Aetna International has appointed MSH International (MSH), a leading global insurance administrator, to process and pay claims on its behalf for submissions as of 18 November 2023.

      This email serves as our formal confirmation that we expressly authorize you to send sensitive and confidential personal health information (PHI) to MSH for the purposes of processing claims for these members under our agreement.

      Starting 18 November 2023, be sure to submit claims to MSH for members with plans originating in EMEA/APAC. Reimbursement will be made to you in line with the terms of the agreement between you and Aetna International.

      It’s important to know that any claims submitted to Aetna International on or after 18 November 2023, will not be processed. If you submit claims on or after 18 November 2023 to Aetna International, you will receive an email instructing you to submit the claim to MSH.

      How to submit claims to MSH

      If you’re an MSH network-affiliated provider:

      • You can submit claims directly on the MSH Providers Area using your current access credentials
      • Please submit claims for Aetna International members separately from your claims for any other insurer

      If you’re NOT an MSH network-affiliated provider:

      What this means for you

      During this transition period, there’s a chance you might see three different Aetna International ID cards. Here’s what to know and to do based on the member’s ID card.


        Aetna International (Rest of World) ID card

      • Changes: Important change to submission process –
        see FAQ guide.

        Timing: Plans will end 30 November 2023

        Who has it: Members with existing plan

        What to do: Submit claims to MSH International


        Call your Aetna International representative


        Aetna International (Americas) ID card

      • Changes: Yes

        Timing: Plans will transition 1 April 2023 through 1 March 2024

        Who has it: Members with existing plans and renewal dates 1 April 2023 through 1 March 2024

        These members will be transitioning to the new servce model at some point or may not have their new ID card yet

        Member ID numbers start with "W" - always follow guidance on the ID card to verify eligibility 


        Call your Aetna International representative

      What to do:
      • Continue to call us to reqquest preauthorization, the process and timing are similar

        Aetna International (Americas) + Allianz Care ID card

      • Changes: Yes

        Timing: Plans starting 1 April 2023 will be issued new ID cards

        Who has it: Members with new and renewing plans starting 1 April 2023 and forward

        These members will be transitioning to the new service model at some point or may not have their new ID card yes

        Member ID numbers start with "W" - always follow guidance on the ID card to verify eligibility


        Call your usual Allianz Partners medical provider management representative

      What to do:


      Aetna® is a trademark of Aetna Inc. and is protected throughout the world by trademark registrations and treaties.

      This notice does not affect the terms of the agreement pursuant to which you provide access to treatment and services to Aetna members; the access and services you provide remain subject to such terms.

      The contents of this communication (including attachments) are confidential and may be privileged. If you are not the intended recipient of this communication, any disclosure, copying, distribution or use of its contents is strictly prohibited, and you should notify the sender immediately and then delete it (including any attachments) from your system.