Reach out to our dedicated team to help you get the most from your Aetna International plan.
1‐888‐219‐0477 International Toll‐free or
+001‐813‐775‐0451 Call U.S. Direct
Where are you serving?
Useful resources
For any inquiries regarding coverage or to verify and request enrollments and terminations, contact your Assigned Aetna Representative for the Church.
If you request a GOP before receiving health care services, the provider you see should bill us directly. That means you won’t need to pay upfront. If your plan happens to require a copay or coinsurance, you’ll pay that at the time of your visit and the provider will bill us directly for the balance.
If you are a Young Missionary and you need a new ID card, you can request a replacement. You will need to include your full name (first and last) and your Aetna W ID number.
Find out how to manage secure email and access our Secure Messaging portal using our Email Encryption User Guide.
Get the basics on your plan coverage, and find out how to access medical assistance after your Mission.
Senior Missionaries
Get information on how the program works, who to contact for help, and a listing of medical providers available for your specific Mission location.
Guidance and resources for your Senior Service Medical Plan (SSMP)
Medical Assistance
Resources for Mission Leaders for Young Missionaries in need of a post-Mission Medical Assistance extension.
Reach out to our dedicated team to help you get the most from your Aetna International plan.
1‐888‐219‐0477 International Toll‐free or
+001‐813‐775‐0451 Call U.S. Direct